Jumat, 01 April 2011


What Is Ethics?

Ethics comes from the ancient Greek Ethos in the singular has many meanings: the usual residence, grasslands, cage, habits, customs and morals, character, feelings, attitudes, ways of thinking. In the plural 'ta Ethan "means the customs. Meaning this is what lies behind the formation of the term "ethics" by Aristotle (384-322 BC): knowledge about customs, what is usually done.

Ethics has an idea which is quite close to the moral. Moral of the Latin plural mos mores means habit, custom. In the Indonesian dictionary the first time in 1988 used the word mores in the same sense that is customary habit. So the word morals and ethics are both derived from the word meaning custom. After studying the origin, now we listen to what it means. The word ethics is a dramatic difference, if compared with the old Indonesian dictionary (Poerwadarminta, 1953) and new (1988). Differences are described as ethics is the science of the principles of morals (morals), while in the new dictionary ethics described by distinguishing three things: the Science of what is good and bad and about right and moral obligation (moral). Set of principles or values ​​related to the character. Value of right and wrong adopted for a group or society. The definition of ethics in ataslah used to describe pelbagi words that follow such as: business ethics, medical ethics, social ethics. Further understanding of ethics from above, there is another term that is often confused it with the word ethics is etiquette. Very different sense of the word ethics to etiquette. Here means the moral ethics and etiquette means politeness. Etiquette regarding how to do an act of man as a general value that is recognized and accepted. For example if I submit something to the teacher or the person who I respect, I must submit it with your right hand. If I want to piss so I have to go to the loo / toilet, not in the walls of the classroom or in the frangipani tree. If I did not do it or against it can be said to violate my etiquette. ethics while providing norms of an act performed by humans. So ethics regarding the issue of whether an act is permissible or not. For example: take the property of others without permission is never allowed, "Thou shalt not steal" is an ethical norm. Is it stealing orng with his left hand or right is irrelevant. Etiquette is only valid in the association. If there is no other person present or there is no eye witness, the label does not apply. For example there are many etiquette rules that govern the way we eat. Breach of etiquette if we eat while sounds or by putting a foot on the table. Therefore, the theme we are not teenagers but social ethics social etiquette as to how our actions as a teenager in the mix with each other.
2. Conscience Conscience,
Closely related to the norm to judge good or bad behavior associated with our concrete. Conscience commanded or forbid us to do something here and now. Conscience is closely related to the fact that human beings have consciousness. For this we need to understand two things: recognition and awareness. 1. Introduction. We know, when we see, hear or feel anything. But the introduction of a monopoly is not human, an animal can hear or feel familiar with the smell. 2. Consciousness. Consciousness is only possessed by humans. With human consciousness able to know itself and thus reflect about ourselves. In man can berkangsung kind of "doubling": he can come back to himself. Awareness in the Latin used the word "conscientia" (scire = know, con = with, respectively, coscientia = participated know).

3. Conscience retrospective and prospective conscience
Conscience memeberikan retrospective assessment of actions that have taken place in the past. This conscience as if it turn round and assess actions that have been passed. He stated that the act is good or not. Retrospective conscience to make decisions that we act ugly or otherwise praise or give a sense of satisfaction. When conscience accuse and punish ourselves, we feel uneasy in the mind or as said in English: a bad conscience. Conversely, if we behave properly we have a good conscience or a clear conscience. Conscience prospective look into the future and assess the actions of our future. Conscience in this sense to invite us to do something or like perhaps more common to say no and forbid to do something. In this prospective conscience actually contained a kind of divination.
4. Conscience is personal funds adipersonal
Personal conscience, which means always related to the personal question. Norms and ideals that I receive in everyday life and as if attached to my personal, will appear also in the sayings of my conscience. No two people are equal and also has a conscience that is exactly the same. Conscience colored by our personality. Conscience develops along with the development of our whole personality. In addition to aspects of personal conscience bersifa adipersonal. Conscience as if on top of our individual, is above our institution. It was understood by looking at the word conscience itself. "Conscience" means the liver is illuminated (nur = light). Another aspect is also often used in the Indonesian language to show conscience: conscience, conscience, inner voice. Of conscience, we seemed to open up to the sound coming from outside. Conscience has a transcendent aspect, which means that exceed our personal. Because aspects of it adipersonal religious people think that conscience is the voice of God or God speaks through the conscience.
5. Moral conscience as a subjective norm
Following the conscience is a basic right for every human. No one else is authorized to intervene in the decision of one's conscience. Should not happen that one is forced to act against his conscience. Then there is the universal declaration of Human Rights (1948) called also the right to freedom of conscience (article 18). The consequences that the state must respect the decision of conscience of its citizens. In other words, the state shall respect the right of conscientious objector. Examples of countries that mempratekkan conscription for young people. on Conscience has a strong foothold in our moral life. In view of the corner of the subject, conscience is the final norm for our deeds. Or the decision of conscience is a subjective moral norms for our behavior.
6. Development of conscience
Conscience must be educated, as well as human reason requires education. But education is much more simple reason to run. The methods should be used to achieve optimum results in educating the mind much more clearly. As such education in schools aims to develop and educate the minds of children. The reason kids integrated self ith his entire personality. Education conscience along with the rest of moral education is much more complex in nature. A good place for the education of conscience is in the family. Since small children are trained to conform outwardly to the will pendidiknya (parents). The purpose of education is to instill sensitivity to both inward toward the students. Climate pebinaan conscience should be overwhelmed with the support of moral atmosphere in the family. Development of conscience held in an informal atmosphere within the family rather than in school education.
7. Values ​​and Norms
It's not easy to explain what value? At least we can say that value is something that appeals to us, something we are looking for, something fun, something that is liked and wanted, in short something good. Value (value) always has a positive connotation. According to German-American philosopher, Hans Jonas, the value is "the address of a yes": something that is addressed with a "yes" we. Instead something we stay away from, something negative, such as suffering, illness or death is the opposite value = non value or disvalue. Based on a simple analysis we can conclude that the value at least has the following three features: The value associated with the subject. The value appears in a practical context. About something that added value by the subjects on the properties owned by the object. Value is not owned by the object in itself. While the norms of the Latin word meaning the first word means the Carpenter's Square: bracket carpenter who used to check whether the work piece (tables, benches, chairs) really straight? So with the rules or norms intended rules which we use as benchmarks to assess things.

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