Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Teen Group What You Need to Understand
Teenagers as a potential human
"Youth". The word according to the adolescents themselves are a minority group that has its own color, who have a "world" is difficult to separate touched by an adult.
Now the group of teenagers are human beings who have the potential. Teen group that has vitality, spirit priorita, hopes successor generations. The young generation is directed to prepare a cadre of successors of national struggle and national development by giving the stock of skills, leadership, physical fitness, creative ability, patriotism, idealism, personality and noble character. For it is necessary to create a healthy climate that allows the creativity of the younger generation is growing at a reasonable and responsible. Terms of its approach through formal education, non-formal, or informal, outside and inside school. As a small example of business involving youth in development is the inclusion of adolescence in a concrete political education appears to be done in many activities of the election campaign 1982.
Efforts to understand and comprehend teen
Efforts to understand and comprehend adolescents is by knowing and mnegerti about adolescent growth and development, especially in teenagers drove toward psychological maturity and social maturity.
Summary of things that need to understand and be understood
Age range and characteristics of adolescents;
Before someone called the teen is "the threshold of adolescence" which is often known as "puberty" by different uniqueness. Characteristics filled with "storm and typhoon", the feeling of a turbulent and sensitive to negative stimuli.
G. Stanley Hall, said that this period is called as a period filled with "strom and stress". Then the characteristics of late adolescence is a wonderful period in his life. Young men and Young women are hdup decorate them with the love story is not uncommon to wash away.
Early adolescent physical growth sedmikian fast 'imbalance various limbs, so that often they appear to have an imbalance and the imbalance of body motion.
Further growth of the sex glands and perkmebangan sexual behaviors known to be "history" long enough.
Age range and characteristics of adolescent
Elizabeth B. Hurlock, if divided based on the forms and patterns of behavior that seems typical for these ages, the maturity of life consists of 11 period are:
1. Prenatal: When conception until birth.
2. term neonates: birth until the end of the second week after birth.
3. infancy: the end of the second week until the end of the second year.
4. early childhood: two years to six years.
5. late childhood: 6 years up to 10-11 years.
6. puberty / preadolescence: 10-12 years to 13-14 years.
7. early adolescence: 13-14 years old to 17 years.
8. late adolescence: 17 years to 21 years.
9. early adulthood: 20 years to 40 years.
10.masa middle-aged: 40 years to 60 years.
11.masa old: 60 years old until death.
Important characteristics of the period of puberty
Puberty is a period of transition and overlap. Because puberty is in transition between childhood danremaja, called the right of a child not properly be called adult is not. There are several characteristics danperkembangan concerned with biological and psychological growth.
Primary characteristics:
For women is marked by the first menstruation (menarche) is accompanied by various unpleasant feeling for the experience. For men characterized by the pollution of dreams (wet dreams) or known as nocturnal emmisions.
Secondary sex characteristics:
For women enlarged and rounded hips, breasts appear more prominent, the growth of hair in the genital area, underarms, arms, and legs. There are changes dar voice children's voices become more melodious (melodious), sweat glands are more active and often grow acne, skin becomes more coarse than the skin of children.
For men the muscles of the body, chest, arms, thighs and legs grew stronger, the growth of hair in genital area, legs and sometimes chest; there is a change of tone burst sound and the sound modestly until the end of adolescence, down one volume octave, active sweat glands and these glands produce sweat that many teenagers even though it moves a little.
At the age of 11-12 years wnaita grow faster than men, so are not aware of the adolescents often feel jealous of the female puberty. This is why there is often away from puberty male puberty and even hostile to women at this age, the term sex antagonism. However, the growth of hard body attracted to each other they begin to arise between the two sexes of this. It is thus influenced by sexual attraction or "sex appeal".
After passing through puberty will sip this uber entering early adolescence is marked by instability kedaan feelings and emotions, the work he was suddenly very excited but it can also seem lethargic at all, in terms of attitude and morale especially prominent towards the end of early adolescents (15 - 17 years). There dorngan sex and trend-dorngan satisfy that urge sheingga kadng rated by the community-sometimes not polite, in terms of mental ability and intelligence began to perfect. Perfection to the conclusion and abstract information began at the age of 14 years. As a result the early teens love to reject things that make no sense but with reasonable cause adolescents tend to follow the thinking of adults. This status of early adolescents are very difficult to determine even confusing. The treatments given to adolescents beginning adults often alternated. There is no doubt an adult to give responsibility to young people under the pretext of "feeling was a kid" but on other occasions the initial remaj often get warning as "a person who has a big" if teenagers start to behave childishly. As a result, the teenager awalpun get source of confusion and add to the problem.
After early adolescence the teenager earlier this end will face the end of adolescence is marked by stability that began to rise, self-image and a more realistic attitude, deal with the problem in a more mature and feel more calm.
This is the little things you need to know to understand adolescent